phone: 612-625-8299
office: 229 Smith Hall
Curriculum VitaeCV (PDF)
Google Scholar
2020: Elected Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
2020: Peter Debye Award in Physical Chemistry from the American Chemical Society
2019: Elected Member of the International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science
2019: McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair
2019: Award in Theoretical Chemistry from the Physical Chemistry Division of the American
Chemical Society
2018: Elected Member of Academia Europea
2018: Humboldt Foundation Research Award
2017: Elected Member of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists
2016: Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS)
2016: Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
2016: Bourke Award of the Royal Society of Chemistry
2016: Isaiah Shavitt Lectureship award, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
2014: Distinguished McKnight University Professor
2010: Swiss National Science Foundation Grant
2004: Annual award of the International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science to scientists under 40, with citation: "for her innovative contributions to prediction and understanding of new inorganic molecules using quantum chemical methods"
1993: Award 'Toso Montanari' (University of Bologna) for the student with the highest-mark graduation in chemistry
2019: 7th Annual OpenMolcas Developers' Workshop, June 2019, Minneapolis, USA
2019: DOE Workshop on Earth Abundant Catalysis, April 2019 Rockville, USA
2019: APS DCOMP Program Chair of the APS March Meeting 2019
2018: International Conference on Coordination Chemistry ICCC2018 symposium “S28 Theoretical Coordination Chemistry”, Sendai Japan
2018: APS March Meeting 2018 Symposium, "Excited States and Non-adiabatic Dynamics in Molecular Systems," Los Angeles, USA
2017: The Minnesota Workshop on ab Initio Modeling in Solid State Chemistry with CRYSTAL, Minneapolis, USA
2016: Short course on "Reaction Mechanisms" for the Energy Frontier Research Center, Minneapolis, USA
2015: Crash course on "Catalysis" for the Energy Frontier Research Center, Minneapolis, USA
2015: 249th ACS national meeting symposium, "Design of Materials and Chemical Processes: The Genomic Approach," Denver, USA
2014: 247th ACS national meeting symposium, "Heavy Element Chemistry," Dallas, USA
2012: 244th ACS national meeting symposium, "Bridging the Gap Between Quantum Chemistry and Classical Simulations," Philadelphia, USA
2012: Electronic Structure Theory for Strongly Correlated Systems, Palermo Italy
2008: Swiss Summer School in Computational Chemistry, Villars, Switzerland
2007: Molcas Workshop, Villars, Switzerland
2006: Symposium in honor of Björn Roos, Crete
2005: European Summer School in Quantum Chemistry Palermo, Italy
2000: European Summer School in Quantum Chemistry Riolo Terme, Italy
Department of Chemistry
207 Pleasant Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455